Have you ever experienced taking that "perfect picture" with your camera only to find out that the image was blurry and had not captured the picture they way you had intended?

Well put your worries aside because there is a software program called Adobe Photoshop which can ease the stress and lighten the load for all those avid picture taking enthusiasts. 

Adobe PhotoShop has many different features thereby allowing an individual to use PhotoShop for a wide variety of uses and applications.
From being able to color correct digital images, and designing web pages, to creating gif animations, video,  and 3D content  there is alot people can do with PhotoShop.

I have used PhotoShop in many of my class projects and I have some personal tips for those looking to use this software. For instance, it is important for all individuals to save their files continually. Another tip is to understand the functions of each of the tools that are within PhotoShop. Following these two tips will help you properly allocate your files and make your images look professionally appeasing and gravitating to all individauls. 

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    Justin Cowan

    I am a student at the University of Utah. I am majoring in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism with an emphasis in Sustainable Tourism. 


    September 2012

